Friday, July 08, 2005

Heavy land rig

The Deutag D-10 heavy land rig at Tudan, near Pujut 8. If your house is located near the river bank, be very careful. There might be an oil well under your bedroom! Two other wells were drilled near the artificial lake at Pujut Corner. Some times, joggers at the lake can see bubbles coming up! Apparently when the wells were abandoned, the cement plugs set by Dowel Schlumberger and supervised by trainee drillers were not the best. I would not buy a house near the lake, if I were you.


KLBA Chin said...

Dear David ..

It looks like you are the old guard for those old oil well ..
It is loccated in Miri or Brunei ?

Kinldy advsie


David Chin said...

The Deutag rig was working in the Marudi jungle. Then it was moved to Pujut8 and Pujut corner where the artificial lake is located now.

DuFf`z said...

Interesting information mr. David,i might ask where else in miri that have abandoned oil well beneath it?

David Chin said...

The most well known one is the "Old Lady" (Oil well No:1) and there are many other shallow land wells all along Canada Hill. The land field was closed down in the early 70's when Shell moved its operations off shore to Tukau, West Lutong and Baram fields. Later, other oil and gas fields like Betty and Central Luconia were discovered.